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How to have a cool Yule

Our guide to making the festive season a little less stressful  


Whether it's a cheeky mid-afternoon nap or a cosy night in front of an old classic, lean into a little nothingness now and then. Give yourself permission (and time) to unplug, kick back, and rest. Use this time when inboxes can wait, and deadlines can take a backseat to reset and recharge. 


Make memories instead of homemade marzipan. Christmas often comes with its own side of seasonal stress, so cutting a few culinary corners can help to keep things calm. Choose vegetables that need minimal trimming, go vacuum-packed on ingredients like chestnuts or opt for a celebratory supper instead of a lunchtime rush. 


Give your inner child a cuddle and embrace the simple joy and freedom that play can bring. Whether it's dancing to Michael Bublé in the kitchen or ice skating in the pop-up rink in the park, life can be serious so let your hair (and shoulders) down for a little while. 


At times Christmas can be complicated or emotionally charged. Volunteering is a helpful way to shift focus, help others and make a positive impact. Organisations like food redistribution charity The Felix Project, which we proudly support, welcome helpers during the festive season and beyond. 


When it all gets too much, take a breather and go for a walk or run to boost your endorphins. If that's not feasible, simply take a moment to shut yourself away from the world (the children, the dog, or the in-laws) and take some deep, restorative breaths. 


Amidst the festivities, it's okay to be true to yourself. Cherish the traditions that hold meaning for you and find joy in personal rituals. Don’t sacrifice your wellbeing for the sake of other people’s holiday expectations. Set boundaries and celebrate the season in your own meaningful way. 


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